Learn Basic Dealing And Trading Forex Online

In broad outline on how to trade forex world is divided into two, with over the telephone is called by dealing quotes (DQ) and the newest way is to use the internet so-called Online Forex Trading.

1. Dealing Quotes (DQ): Ordinary people often see it on television. Someone was on the phone with a busy and asking price. Within a few seconds the transaction is completed and the transaction data has been stored by the dealer (dealer is the person who placed the broker with the task of channeling the mandate of Investors to transact). Dealers tell us the price prevailing at the time. In the event of a match the price of the transaction occurs. Proof of the transaction is in the form of voice recordings of telephone conversations and quotes (notes) that are stored by dealers.

It seems simple and easy, pick up the phone, talk and then finished. But if we look further, this method has many drawbacks. The first weakness is weak evidence that the transaction is held by the dealer. Investors are highly dependent on the evidence in the form of quotes and transaction records are also held by the dealer. And investors must recognize that the proof of legitimate transactions are recognized only two things (because it is bound by the Client Agreement). Meanwhile, if the investor has evidence of transactions recorded on his own initiative, the evidence is not legally recognized by the dealer and applicable law. In this case the investor's position is getting stronger. What if the transaction receipt is lost or damaged while the transaction is underway and investors should gain a profit?

Another disadvantage, because the transaction brokered by dealers who also are human beings, human error factor is always there. Although dealers usually are trained people, still has a factor of inaccuracy, negligent or even emotional factors that can reduce the working professional.

2. Online Forex Trading: Along with the advanced world of the Internet, transactions can now be done via the internet. The price displayed is the price of the official and recognized by the international community. And that is precisely the investor computer screen! In this way, investors can transact money as they wish. No longer require dealers and because the transactions are made by investors themselves, the possibility of losses due to factors dealer to zero. Reporting is made online and in real time. More easy, no game prices (by dealers / brokers illegal), and control completely in the hands of investors. In addition there are many facilities owned online transaction is not shared by conventional means. Investors do not need to go to the market or even calling, enough to line the internet, everything has been fulfilled.
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