Tin Commodity Stock Update

The price of Tin in Malaysia commodity stock trading on Friday (15/01) are in a position to stagnate. Industrial metals commodity prices are in the same position withthe closing price yesterday.

Tin prices stagnant trade, as investors are still observing the development of the Chinese economy and there has been no fundamental or other sentiment data that can affect the movement of the price of Tin.

Bursa glogal also observed mixed. Wall Street stock at the close of trade on Wednesday last closed positive. While earlier, European markets closed negatively in the evening. This afternoon, the Asian bourses also closed in the red zone, including the Shanghai Stock Exchange dropped-3.51%

The economic growth of China's money supply decreased to 13.3 percent from 13.7 percent, showed the weakness of the new credit came at 598 billion yuan, down from 709 billion yuan, but the company raised more money through the sale of bonds and the private banking sector.

Data to be released later includes the French Government budget balance, creditconditions survey, United Kingdom, construction output, the leading indicators and the trade balance of the European Union, there is also a meeting of Ecofin. The U.S.data include: retail sales, PPI, Empire State manufacturing data, industrial production,capacity utilization, inflation expectations, consumer spending and businessinventories. FOMC Member William Dudley also spoke.

The perpetrators of the Tin market is still observing the development of the Chineseeconomy and the global, expected Government stimulus policies and Beijing that can strengthen the economy of China.

The price of Tin in Malaysia commodity stock exchange observed stagnant. Industrial metal prices are traded on the position of 13300 dollars per ton, the same as the results of the weekend's closing trade Friday yesterday.
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