CPO in Malaysia commodity exchange in trading Monday afternoonweekend awa (28/12) observed
declne due to pressure drop in the price of crude oil.
The fall in the price of crude oil into the negative sentiment a boost which resulted inthe price of CPO is stuck in the trend of weakening. The weakening crude oil pricesmake alternative fuels such as those made from CPO reduced her request.
U.S. crude oil futures prices closed up at the close of trade Thursday before Christmasin the us, although the oversupply depresses global markets as signs of tightening in the United States. A rise in U.S. crude oil prices supported the fall inventory reduction,repeal the ban of drilling and crude oil exports most of the U.S., which has pushed U.S.crude oil is higher than the global oil benchmark Brent for the first time in about a year.
The price of crude oil futures of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) March contract to rise 60 cents, or 1.6 percent, at 38.10 dollars a barrel. While oil prices berjangkan Brent climbed 52 cents to 37.88 dollars per barrel.
However, in the Asian trading session this morning, the price of WTI crude oil traded at observed 37.91 dollars per barrel, down 19 cents. Brent oil price dropped 18 cents to 37.71 dollars per barrel, which means that the U.S. crude oil maintain premium gained up global oil benchmark traded last week.
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