The Price Of CPO Export Downturn Triggered Rising Malaysia Indonesia

The price of CPO in Malaysia commodity exchange in trading Thursday afternoon(11/02) the observed increase. Commodity price sentiment is gaining significant increase due to a decline in inventories exports from Indonesia.

The Price Of CPO Export Downturn Triggered Rising Malaysia Indonesia

Shipment of palm oil from Indonesia's possible down the most in almost two years in January after domestic biodiesel makers increase purchases amid a decline inproduction.

Exports, including Palm oil and the core, down 22 percent to 1.97 million metric tons from December, according to the median of estimates from 10 analysts, industry officials and planters. This is the sharpest decline since April 2014, according to datafrom the combined oil palm Entrepreneur Indonesia.

Biodiesel maker Indonesia bought more palm oil to satisfy their supply contract with PT Pertamina, said Eddy Martono, Director at estate PT Mega Nusa Works. Eleven suppliers in November agreed to supply 1.85 million tonnes of biodiesel to Pertamina, until April.

The price of CPO contract most active on the exchange of commodities Malaysiatoday appear to increase. Contract price March 2016 which is the most active contract experienced a strengthening of 8 ringgit and traded on the position of 2567 ringgit per tonne. estimated that the price movement of CPO futures onthe next trade is still the potential to continue the trend of rise. Price movements will still be influenced by the movement of the ringgit currency and global supply and demand conditions.

The price of CPO futures contracts Feb 2016 in bursa Malaysia commodities potentially test the support level at position 2540 ringgit and 2510 ringgit. While the resistance level will be tested in case there are further increases on the position of 2600 2630 ringgit and ringgit.
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